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Wargame enthusiast and project manager

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About Me

Despite being a high profile enterprise project manager on huge Oracle cloud payroll projects by day, jzedward is a secret wargame graphics nerd in his spare time. Hosting takes a lot of my spare time, as I scan, edit and update classic SPI wargames from the 1970s and 80s with Illustrator and Photoshop. Find out more about my closet librarian activities on my (new) blog at

Latest Projects

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Europagrognard - GDW Europa Collection Games

Easter Egg alert! The new simpubs site features a hidden extra, Europagrognard. I began collecting GDW Europa scans before I founded simpubs, but had not got around to publishing. The entire collection is now available

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Hosted Nextcloud on Hetzner Tech

Nextcloud is an excellent file storage solution (among other things) and I have used it as a cloud solution for simpubs in the past. Looking for an economic way to share Gb's of files, I decided that Hetzner's hosted Nextcloud storage share is the right answer for around 5EUR/mo for 1tb.

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You cannot have too many Raspberry Pi's Tech

My name is John and I am a Raspberry Pi addict. I (currently) have 6... with the new 8gb Pi5 the latest addition to the fleet. Pi's can now comfortably (numb) run multiple Docker containers, and my Pi4 is my OpenVPN connection to my home network.

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grav flat file Content Management System Tech

grav is a CMS (content management system) that has the flexibility of twig layout control and the simplicity of Markdown-based content. We run several sites on grav as they are so easy to setup and customise on free and low cost hosting.

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AD&D The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Games

A truly memorable Origins competition dungeon, reference C1, released in 1980. I ran this at my school D&D club, and I think many players died early... Link to my grav Calibre library will follow. For now there is a link to the Yawning Portal 5e version.

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Other Projects

X10 free hosting Tech

There are many free (and supposedly free) web hosters, but I have been using for a while, and it does what it says on the tin. It supports up to 3 domains, and provides full featured php for grav. Recommended

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InfinityFree hosting Tech

Another free hoster I have been using. InfinityFree appears to throw some php errors on grav admin, and have a more limited range of installable apps, but works well for basic html web sites, and does not limit domains. Worth a try.

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What the heck is Docker anyway? Tech

As a long standing virtualisation user (or maybe even expert...) I came late to Docker. Despite limitations in update management, I now use Docker for many of my dev environments and web sites. If you don't know Docker, there are many good resources, but my starting point is often an O'Reilly textbook.

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Some GitHub activities, using Casey Scarborough's GitHub Activity Stream widget.